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Welcome to Bowdoin.
Welcome to Maine.

At Bowdoin, we speak frequently about "The Offer of the College." Written more than a century ago by our seventh president, William DeWitt Hyde, "The Offer" provides a timeless description of a Bowdoin liberal arts education, concluding with the conviction that it will be "...the best four years of your life."

"The Offer" continues to guide our College. 

Four years at Bowdoin is a period of extraordinary personal and intellectual growth, of reaching beyond the familiar, of embracing differences, and of building relationships that last a lifetime. They are four years spent closely engaged with an outstanding faculty who are both dedicated teachers and leading scholars conducting groundbreaking research. They are four years immersed in activities on campus, in the community, and in nature—athletic, artistic, cultural, service, among others—that complement the intellectual engagement. And they are four years lived among wonderful people in a setting unlike any other—the breathtaking coast of Maine.

Four years at Bowdoin are preparation for life-long learning, for acquiring the skills necessary for work and leadership, and for living values that emphasize service to the common good. They are indeed the “best four years of your life,” forming the foundation for lives of meaning and success, regardless of one’s chosen path. 

So, welcome to Bowdoin and welcome to Maine. You’ve come to a truly special place.